The Academy Awards (also known as the Oscars) are a long and proud tradition in Hollywood. People worldwide tune in to see which movies and actors will take home the coveted golden trophies. In this article, I share some of the different ways...
Since childhood, my favorite female names have been Vivien and Scarlett. As you may have guessed, I am a big fan of the film Gone With Wind and Vivien Leigh. But behind Vivien’s shoulders was not only this role; there were others...
We see how intelligence can be a gift and a curse through the genius main characters. While being a genius is seen as such an easy ticket, these movies can help illuminate the difficulties that brilliant minds often encounter internally, with close...
Music and the picture on the screen are always a unique combination. Music can serve as an essential tool for uncovering the plot and fully reflecting the essence of the film. And sometimes, the soundtrack can be even better than the movie. I have...
Did you know that December 11 is celebrated as International Day of Tango – the most romantic and passionate dance globally? Tango is not just the heat of feelings and passions in dance that fill human life but also an excellent remedy for...