Can’t you stop thinking about a movie? I am sure you have a movie you just can’t get out of your head—the one you watch over and over again.
If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. A lot of people experience this kind of addiction to movies. Every good film has held our attention for a long time. If the movie had touched our souls, our obsession might have persisted longish.
But what can we do when the cinema mania takes over our lives?
Today, I share my four proven tips on how to get over a movie obsession.

How to leave movie obsession.
You can’t stop thinking about a film.
Sometimes pictures affect us, even if we can’t relate to a situation—great actors, soundtrack, and atmosphere. So we think about it all the time. Every director wants to make a movie you’ll think about for weeks. It is the task of any film.
Tip: watch this movie as often as possible for 1-2 weeks.
If this picture made such a strong emotional impression on you, the plot and the heroes must lose their relevance. And therefore, let’s say within a week, review it again and again until it starts to bore you. Then, the level of importance will begin to decline.
A film with an important topic for you.
Sometimes a film touches us because it is about a significant topic. In this case, you need to eliminate information hunger.
Tip: do your research and gather more information.
Do your research about the movie theme. You can watch interviews with actors and filmmakers, read picture reviews, and look for different movies on the same topic.
It is a great way to educate yourself and have fun. I started using this method after I watched Sooting Dogs.
You see your desired life in a movie.
Many films can show us a better life. It could be travel, an ideal partner, a close-knit family or a dizzying career, a luxury house, or your farm in the outback. If you can’t stop thinking about the film because you understand you want to change your life – now is a good time to do it!
Tip: listen to yourself and your desires.
A good movie is like a clear mirror in which you can better see yourself. Do you want to change your life after watching an inspirational picture? Then, do it with baby steps. Also, such movie obsession could be an entry into personal therapy, which benefits everybody. And it is also a life-changing option.

Movie therapy technique to stop movie obsession.
Sometimes, films can engage us in an intense and unique way, but we can`t realize why it happened. Only fragments of feelings and images reach our consciousness. In this case, some part of us requires awareness and reflection. Most likely, you have touched something profound inside yourself, in addition to identifying with the main character.
Therefore, I offer you one of the cinema therapy techniques, especially for this occasion. It is a really fun exercise. But please be attentive and careful with yourself if the awareness is too traumatic. Then, stop and seek support from a loved one or professional therapist.
This technique has eight small steps. Let’s do it!
#1. Remember the film that left behind a solid incomprehensible feeling you experienced for a long time. These experiences spoiled or, on the contrary, greatly improved your mood, but you could not understand why the picture touched you so profoundly.
#2 Now concentrate on this movie and actualize your feelings after watching it. Rewatch the episode if needed.
#3 If you managed to revive the feeling, imagine it as some animal or magical creature.
What kind of animal is that? Is it real or fictional? Dream up in detail what kind of ears, nose, and eyes it has. What it does, and how it behaves.

#4 And now, let’s get back to the movie. Remember to which heroes this animal reacts most sharply. Who is its favorite figure? Who causes a reaction? What does this character do or not do that the animal reacts to him in such a way?
#5 How does the animal feel seeing this hero? What does it need? What does it want? Does he need help, and if so, what kind?
#6 Now answer the questions: What connects you with this animal? How are you similar to it? How do your life and experience relate to the characters that your animal reacted to?
#7 When you have found something in common with your animal, think about what you want to do for yourself in connection with this realization. What is essential to do in this situation?
#8 Based on the experience gained in this exercise, formulate the message to yourself from this magic animal in one sentence. The first thing that comes to mind.
This technique will help you overcome movie obsession and learn something new about yourself. Plus, it is an excellent way for self-reflection.
7 Reasons You Feel Sad When Your TV Show Ends.

Do you have a lot of films that you remember? Have you tried to ponder what hooked you in these pictures? Write down in the comments. Let`s discuss this.
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I like the idea of understanding the movie’s significance so that you can replace it consuming your thoughts!
Although this has never happened to me, this post has lots of good tips for someone finding themselves obsessing over a movie.
Ha I need my fiancé to read this because he’s always obsessed with this one movie and can never stop talking about it.
Great post!
I felt this way with Downton Abby. It was one of my favorite shows and movies. I really missed the characters when the show was over.
That is some great tips, thank you for sharing:)